Beautiful Bakken

Beautiful Bakken image

The Bakken is a hard place to live. That is no lie. It is rough and a little isolated and cold and very biege. When talking about the Bakken though, it is easy to focus on just those details. I myself have succumbed to emphasizing (and maybe ruminating a bit) on just those details. The media in general has latched on to the crime topics when talking about the oil field. It is eye catching and people tend to notice the lawless frontier theme.

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Fall/Winter Activities for Littles in Watford City

Watford City Children's Park

Waking up everyday to the sun shining in my window, getting breakfast in Benji’s mouth as fast as I can, stuffing him in a stroller and heading off to the splash pad. That, my friends, is what I call heaven. I’m easy to please right?

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Parading, North Dakota Style

Parade of Lights Watford City“If you’re in town for Thanksgiving, go down to Main Street on Friday, lots of fun stuff will be going on”, Debbie over at Larsen’s Drug told me when I was sitting with the ladies last week. We were staying in town, not much to do, so I filed that one away. I also heard or saw something somewhere else about some kind of parade at, like 6ish, or something on that same day. Continue reading